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 أعطال وصيانة تليفزيون-Repair-TV-SUPRA

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أشرف عثمان

الأعلام : أعطال وصيانة تليفزيون-Repair-TV-SUPRA  Male_e10
عدد المساهمات : 2402
تاريخ التسجيل : 16/06/2010
العمر : 64

أعطال وصيانة تليفزيون-Repair-TV-SUPRA  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: أعطال وصيانة تليفزيون-Repair-TV-SUPRA    أعطال وصيانة تليفزيون-Repair-TV-SUPRA  Emptyالأربعاء أكتوبر 26, 2011 3:15 am

SUPRA STV-2084DK Chassis PC-04A

in the color fades SECAM, generally off in the duty room.

And all this happens in a certain temperature range - sometimes! The reason lay in the literature S409 0.22 F at pin-5 TDA1940. Its capacity is "walking" with the temperature. Because of this, on the withdrawal-7 (MUTE) TDA1940 instead of going postoyanki 11 pulses with a lower frequency. Their amplitude with temperature, too, "walked". With decreasing - lost color in SECAM (the chain of D210, R229 MUTE comes on pin 2 and weighs AN5633 SECAM). More - more ... This controller comes on MUTE PCA84C640P/30, output-29 and weighs signal IDENT. The controller thinks that there is no reception from an antenna and some time spent in the guardroom.

Put ceramics (S409) 0.33 uF - all gone. Well, for
the order, if the telly old, replace the litas in BP, soldering, and if
managed to twist - set circuit SL501, SL506, podstroechnik SCR501.


Supra STV-2125-50N ch.S

percent. M34300-230SP. LED lights, the TV in the operating mode can not be translated. Following repair, BP, and S830 and S832 replacement - 1uF/160V TV work, but the small vertical size. The regulator is not exposed. Defect S301 - 1uF/50V. After replacing all OK.


Supra STV-2084DK Chassis PC-04A

No overall synchronization. After replacing the TDA1940, and several dead capacitors, neither of which has not helped. Did replacing IC201 - TEA2014
Supra STV-2084DK chassis PC04A
No sound is not working APCHG, TV turns off after 3 minutes. Defective S409 - 0.22 microfarads.

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أعطال وصيانة تليفزيون-Repair-TV-SUPRA
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 مواضيع مماثلة
» أعطال وصيانة تليفزيون-Repair-TV-TCL
» أعطال وصيانة تليفزيون-Repair-TV-JVC
» أعطال وصيانة تليفزيون-Repair-TV-LG
» أعطال وصيانة تليفزيون-Repair-TV-SHARP
» أعطال وصيانة تليفزيون-Repair-TV-[POLAR

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