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 معلومات قيمة عن الذاكرة و - service mode tv

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الأعلام : معلومات قيمة عن الذاكرة و - service mode tv Male_e10
عدد المساهمات : 2402
تاريخ التسجيل : 16/06/2010
العمر : 64

معلومات قيمة عن الذاكرة و - service mode tv Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: معلومات قيمة عن الذاكرة و - service mode tv   معلومات قيمة عن الذاكرة و - service mode tv Emptyالثلاثاء يوليو 19, 2011 7:36 am

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]

Hello dear visitors!
Once you're here, so either you - technician in search of entry into the service menu TV
or the overly curious Internet users.
If this is the second case, I would not advise you to seize control with the intention of
fix all the better for your favorite box. Most likely, you'll spoil
and then just ditch the TV and on some modern TV you
can choose the type of control so that more of your TV remote controlled
will not. Therefore, calm yourself with the thought that an experienced technician accesses
with the service menu for you, and better is not.

* * *

And now:
What is the service menu

At present all the main TV control, both operational and
factory, are made by remote control
central control processor. Electrical Circuitry
Management consists of a central microcontroller (CPU), a device
remote control (remote control receiver infrared remote control), the keyboard control unit
display unit and an external memory chip.
The main control unit serves as a central microcontroller, whose task
is the receive signals and data, process them and send to the slave
manageable blocks. Subordinate units may be different
dedicated LSI (controller scan, sound, video controller, etc.).
The relationship between the main processor and subordinate units
done through a single digital bus control.
External commands go to a central controller with remote
remote control, and they first deciphered in
receiver-decoder control, or with the television (TV keyboard).
Display unit is used to indicate different modes of operation
system, providing control of these modes in its regulation. System
Display is a digital indicator or goes directly to the
display device (OSD - On Screen Display, the display is on screen).
In a memory chip to record some adjusting constants
(Data). In addition, some data are unchanged and fixed atsetting up the factory. These data are needed for normal operation
TV and they are not visible to the consumer, because the loss of the data
lead to loss of control of the machine. Access to these memory cells
data is possible only in the so-called factory or service operation.
An example of such data may be data on the geometric
screen size, white balance, the frequency of rejection, status, and duration
gating pulses, etc. Other data capture the various functions
device (the choice of standard, hotel mode, teletext language, a "lock" for
children, etc.) and stored in the memory cell, called the optional bytes.
Access to the same memory locations where data on the frequencies are set at
channels, analog level adjustment (brightness, contrast, color
saturation, volume, etc) are available to the consumer and can be adjusted
at the request of the consumer. As memory is used
non-volatile reprogrammable ROM (EEPROM). Communication Products
memory with the main controller is also carried by digitalbus.
If you need to replace a memory chip with a new, run
initialization of the memory, ie, introduce some identification data,
help ensure the efficiency of the device. These
setting data are in the ROM of the CPU and move to
a new memory chip special command from the remote control in the service
menu. After initialization, the memory must perform the desired
adjust the main parameters of the machine. Process of setting up TV service
menu is largely similar to the usual setting in user mode
but requires little skill to master.
Returning previously described can find out the general principle of the unit
management. When you turn on TV in the operating mode is to reset all the
chips connected together digital bus. Master reset
is the signal RESET, which begins after the programming
these chips. The options from the main processor draws
non-volatile memory and transfers the appropriate circuits. After
desired programming controller will handle the externalcommands from the remote, including command control mode, for example,
service menu. As stated above, the relationship between the main
microcontroller with slave devices is carried out through
digital bus. There are many different digital tire, but
the most common of these is the so-called two-wire
Bus PC (Inter IC, ie, between the chips), created by PHILIPS.
Briefly clarify the procedure for interaction chips connected together
the digital bus. For example, consider the structural diagram of the device
control apparatus CK3373TR firm SAMSUNG.
In this model, the system configuration and management is applied
microcontroller type SZM-137 company ZILOG (or SPM-151/153/161RV firm
PHILIPS). microcontroller controls the SZM-137 video processor M52309SP,
adjusting the values ​​such as delay in the AGC, Contrast, Brightness,
saturation, image size in the vertical alignment of the image
horizontally and vertically on a vertical slope, etc.
Chip non-volatile memory (EEPROM) type H24S04R has inside

عدل سابقا من قبل أشرف عثمان في الثلاثاء يوليو 19, 2011 7:41 am عدل 1 مرات
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المدير العام
أشرف عثمان

الأعلام : معلومات قيمة عن الذاكرة و - service mode tv Male_e10
عدد المساهمات : 2402
تاريخ التسجيل : 16/06/2010
العمر : 64

معلومات قيمة عن الذاكرة و - service mode tv Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: معلومات قيمة عن الذاكرة و - service mode tv   معلومات قيمة عن الذاكرة و - service mode tv Emptyالثلاثاء يوليو 19, 2011 7:39 am

necessary identification data, there is still data to be recorded consumer
by remote control or the TV.
Each chip is combined with I2C bus interface and has
identity or address of a subordinate (slave address). Any chip
can be used as a transmitter or a receiver. In this case, the transmitting
chip will be leading and taking - the response.
Immediately after turning on the unit and the onset of the total discharge begins
Programming chip video processor, after all the initial
data and adjusting the constant pulling of the central controller
non-volatile memory and transfers the chip video processor.

After the signal START microcontroller makes a 7-bit slave address
chip. This may be a chip video processor, which should
transmit data after the installation machine. Followed by the
eighth bit (R / W), which says, sending or receiving data will be
next byte. Signal low-level "O" means the transmission, and a large
Level "1" - to receive information. In our case, the microcontrollerestablishes a "zero" for the video processor communication. After receiving
Information is confirmation of the "A" video processor (slave) and then
subaddress is required functional unit (the contrast control AGC
brightness, saturation, etc.). Then comes the confirmation of
slave, and then comes the actual data, such as AGC level.
After recording the data byte subaddress automatically ozrastaet per unit,
passing the following setting data.
In service mode, the configuration of these data is
consistent choice of the correct line for each parameter
Table menu, which lists the parameters of trimmers. On
manufacturer of a process of setting up units can be
automatic, ie, values ​​of the first units can be stored in memory
a computer connected to a custom digital bus
Many models have a current TV program, self-diagnostics, with
by which the testing is done all the blocks system. After
enable this mode the central controller polls the chipsconnected to a digital bus. In the case of a defect polled
chip or damage the tire, the central controller can not
a bit of acknowledgment. Report defective node to be
displayed on the screen of the device or render the number of outbreaks
LED indicator.
In the apparatus ST 63-255 IDTV / LOG (chassis CUC 1825) or ST 72-261 IDTV / LOG
(Chassis CUC 1826) Company GRUNDIG test results are determined by
dual-trace oscilloscope to the number of pulses on the bus SDA,
counted during the repetition rate synchronization bus SCL.
The number of pulses would indicate a defective unit. Run
Testing is done after pressing the P + on the front of the keyboard
system and simultaneous operation of the AC power system. Starting and
Synchronization is done using an oscilloscope of the SCL signal with
digital bus.
For example, devices company SONY (KV-24WS2B/D/E/K/R/V), made at the
Chassis BE-3D, the program has self-diagnostics, which begins in the case
if the digital chip bus is busy or not responding to a request fromcentral controller. If the bus is busy, the program will try
free the bus again to establish contact with chips. Errata
of this type will be discussed constant flashing of the indicator
LED. If a defect chip LED blinks a certain number of outbreaks in
according to the number of defective chips.
The unit TC-25GF10R chassis M17 firms Panasonic, mode
Testing is done checking of circuits and test
option codes. Test mode is initiated after a simultaneous pressure on the
button on the timer OFF TIMER on the remote control button and the weakening
volume VOL. DOWN on the unit. Test Results
will be on the screen apparatus.

* * *

How to enter the service mode

Log into the service menu is done by rapidly
pressing combinations of keys on the remote control provided for this mode. In
other cases it is necessary to close the special button located inside
apparatus, and then press the button on the remote control (TVAIWA TV-2102/2002/1402 KE). In some models of vehicles predusmestotren
technological control, especially for employee service
adjustments. In some models there is a possibility in the remote user
solder jumper, closing the ends of some of the transmitter chip
Control and the service is (TV SAMSUNG, CK7271WP model chassis
Z70). There are other options enter the service menu and follow
tune - it all depends on the type microprocessor, its
software version on the manufacturer. In service mode, opens
opportunity to enter those cells external non-volatile memory, which are
adjusting the data set at the factory of production. After repair
apparatus, for example, the replacement tube or perepaivaniya memory chips,
required adjustment apparatus.
When you enter the service menu usually appears on the screen table
in which there is a list of adjusting parameters, each of
which employees can choose for this mode of control buttons
remote control and change the size selected for adjustmentparameter. Each setting can be memorized, ie, recorded from
memory controller in controlling cell-volatile
memory. This is accomplished by means of an external command from the remote control or
stored automatically after the unit out of service mode.
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معلومات قيمة عن الذاكرة و - service mode tv
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